Saturday, October 4, 2014


Typically when I run a race, I start the race with at least one person I know.  However, at a recent half-marathon I ran in, I didn’t know anyone at the race.  So, I thought it would be fun to search out a pacer to give me someone to converse with at the beginning of the race.  For those who aren’t into the running scene, a pacer is someone who runs as a representative of the race by guaranteeing that they will complete the race within a predetermined timeframe (as a side note – these runners also run with a sign that states their pace…this is no easy feat, as I can barely chew gum and run at the same time.)  Therefore, if you run an entire race with a pacer, you know you will finish the race within your goal time.

People run with pacers for a variety of reasons.  Some runners have a tendency to start races too fast, so pacers ensure that they don’t let their adrenaline get the best of them at the beginning.  Other runners can suffer from mid-run bonks, so pacers help keep them sharp since neither the beginning nor the end are in sight.  The pacer simply helps you plug away during that often dreadful mid-section.  And, then there are some who struggle to finish the race.  Pacers encourage them to complete what they have started.  Still others want to run with a pacer for simple companionship.  Pacers are racers who are very comfortable with running, typically know the course well, and are deliberately running the race slower than their actual capability.  These runners often talk to fellow runners the entire length of the race (13.1 miles for half marathons and 26.2 miles for full marathons, for those doing the math!)  For these reasons, they are great at meeting the various needs of the racers they are supporting.
In most circumstances in life – both personal and business – we perform better (and more pleasantly) when we seek out a pacer to help us along the way.  Whether our concern is starting out too fast, needing sustenance during the middle, encouragement to finish strong, or just simple conversation during the route, people are designed to be in fellowship with others.  “Life pacers” can provide this fellowship because they are seasoned…they know what to expect, how to help if things go awry, and don’t get ruffled when thrown for a loop.

You may not be a literal runner.  That is okay.  But remember that life – in all forms – is a race.  Why not be more effective, efficient, and encouraged with the presence of a pacer?!  All areas of life benefit from finding a safe person to be a life pacer.

We might consider actively seeking a “pacer” when:
·        We are faced with a new circumstance or task.

·        We are unsure of our ability in an area.

·        We anticipate that we might need support at some point during an undertaking.

·        We feel isolated or discouraged.

·        We simply want to enrich an experience.

o   Can you identify any pacers in your life?

o   Are there specific areas in your life where you could benefit from a stable, seasoned presence?
Find a pacer.  Run a good race.
outSIGHTin, LLC: Creating awareness as a changepoint for improved organizational results.

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