If a person were to say to you, “I am finding some goodness out there,” you would likely tell yourself that the person is noticing facets of positivity around them. This would be an edifying thing to hear for certain. But what if you heard, “I am finding sum goodness out there”? Now THAT would be a great message to internalize as it would mean the person is looking for total goodness.
While this particular scenario
paints the picture of homophones in the complexities of the English language,
it still drives home this point: Perspective shapes reality. How
often could the lens we view the world or the amplifier we hear the universe
make a resounding impact on the information taken in? Some goodness. Sum goodness. What
a difference in the context and understanding!
Could we give more compassion to
those around us if we reframed things to assume different intent than what we
might initially internalize? Can we pause for a moment to explore
meaning and definitions that might be new to us? Would it feel
better to live in an environment where mindfulness is offered to
others? I know I’ve been a chronic offender myself when I jump to
conclusions. It makes for more defensiveness, aggressiveness,
sadness, and unhappiness when I try to write the script for someone
else. What if I handed them the pen to share their story with
me? It would allow me to absorb “sum” instead of
“some.” Wouldn’t the world be a safer place if we tried to see the
“total” of a person instead of just a “part”? Heavens know I could
use this grace and compassion a LOT as I navigate life. I hope you
will seek to find sum goodness in your world.
Reflect on how you typically shape your perspectives:
Think of a specific situation where more context or information
would have helped you understand those around you better? What
questions could you have asked to explore this more?
Consider a time when you were misunderstood because the impact of
your behaviors or decisions didn’t align with your real intent. What
would have been helpful to convey your truth?
What metaphoric lens or amplifier can you use to heighten your
sensitivity to the positives around you?
o How
will doing so soften the sharp edges within yourself?
What relationships might change as a result?
Listen and look for the sum total
of what is being presented to you.
LLC: Creating awareness as a changepoint for improved organizational
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