Memes can be a creative communication tool. These little pictures pack a powerful punch because they deliver a message with such clarity. My coworker is the queen of memes and will send the best images to match the situation we are facing. Usually, she addresses a challenging situation with memes that will us have gut-laughing. It instantly diffuses the unpleasantries by shedding light in comical ways. Often it is just a picture. If any words are used, they are few.
These little icons are so effective because they rely on imagination, shared understanding, and brevity. Next time you pick up your phone, look around at the world of memes and find just how many exist. And therein lies the rub: finding the right meme. Sometimes it takes searching many phrases until the right imagery pops up. To make the meme work, however, requires that is conveys an accurate message. Therefore, rarely will the sender just use a random meme. An art and science were used to find the perfect image.
When communicating something that could evoke stress, misunderstanding, or tension, consider the process of developing a meme. Memes work because they first think about the topic at hand and then winnow it down to an image that captures the concept. They also work because the recipient is in mind when capturing the icon. Lastly, it rests on the philosophy of simplicity and directness to communicate. By using a shared understanding of the topic being conveyed, the meme gets right to the point with imagination and succinctness. And, usually, it breaths oxygen into an otherwise weighty conversation.
isn’t to say that all communication woes in the world can be dealt with through
memes, but the mindset can often be applied in a universal way. There are enough critics, downers, sharp-tongued
people in the world already. We don’t
likely need to add to this equation.
Instead, think like a meme and see how the conversation unfolds.
Using a smartphone, go to a
meme setting and scroll through images:
images resonate with you? What about their
composition strike a chord? Is it the
color usage, picture choice, or brief word selection that you appreciate?
a time when a meme was sent to you and it was highly effective. How did it change your mindset? How did the communication alter?
what ways could you adopt the philosophies that make memes so successful?
parts of your world could benefit from the metaphoric use of memes?
are the people who would appreciate it?
o How might those relationships change?
it seems pretty obvious to use a meme-mindset to deal with challenges, just embrace
the well-known meme and say, “Thanks Captain Obvious.”
outSIGHTin, LLC: Creating awareness
as a changepoint for improved organizational results.
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